資料來源:Bark N Bath

Lavender is among the gentlest of all essential oils. Its light floral scent is said to calm and relax those who smell it; it is also purported to possess healing qualities, and is often put to use on itchy skin as a healing aid.

Essential oils are made by distilling pure plant material. They are different from fragrance oils, which can be made with a variety of artificial ingredients. In addition to smelling good, essential oils are said to posses certain therapeutic properties.

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils (distinguished from artificial fragrance oils) to treat a variety of physical and mental ills in both humans and animals. Although the healing properties of plants have been known throughout history, modern aromatherapy is thought to have begun in 1937, when French scientist Dr. Rene Maurice Gattefosse plunged his burned arm into the nearest amount of cold liquid, which happened to be lavender oil. He was amazed at the pain relief and rate of healing he experienced after exposure to the oil, and went on to study the chemical properties of natural oils.

Still relatively new to the US, aromatherapy is in common use in France and other parts of Europe today. The US currently does not endorse any “certifications” for practitioners of aromatherapy, but rather requires that those individuals using the oils to treat others hold some other legitimate certification, such as Massage Therapist, Chiropractor, Medical Doctor, etc. 

Lavender essential oil is collected by steam distilling aromatic lavender plants. Lavender grows best in moist, well drained soil, and can be found in a variety of regions around the world. A variety of lavender essential oils are available, and are distinguishable both by their botanical Latin names, and the subtly different scents of plants grown in different areas of the world. True English Lavender (Lavandula officinalis), can be obtained from Bulgaria and France, Spike Lavender (Lavandula spica) is available from the Spanish region, and Provence Lavender, (Lavandula angustifolia) is available from the French region.

Certified organic oils are also available, indicating that the plants the oil was obtained from were grown without chemical treatment. Organic certification is an expensive, ongoing process that can significantly raise the cost of the final essential oil, but is desirable to a growing number of consumers searching for more natural products.

Many fine books are currently available, providing simple recipes that will guide the beginner through using lavender essential oil in the home. 

Dog aromatherapy is a growing field, as these animals usually respond well to mild, complementary therapies. Although lavender is an extremely mild essential oil, it should always be properly diluted before use, and it should be noted that dogs should not be exposed to dosages that are higher than a mere fraction of that used on humans. Their skin is highly sensitive and absorbent, and typically needs to be “babied” far more than ours.

It is dangerous to use essential oils, even lavender, on cats as they possess a unique physiology that is unable to rid their bodies of foreign components in a timely manner. This means that they are easily poisoned by everyday substances, and should not be exposed to essential oils or fragrance oils in the home or air, as well as to a variety of chemical cleaning products.

Many veterinarians today are educated in holistic treatments such as aromatherapy, and should be able to provide further information for you and your pet!


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